Good read. Sounds like a lot of civilization's discontents(myself and my wife included). Stories like these I will pass onto my being-wild-raised-son to keep in mind as he grows older as the world continues to try to suck every living thing in.

Semi-nomadic subsistence sheep herders here. Subsistence is Resistance!

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Great read, Trevor. Always inspiring to see someone on their path as someone still seeking theirs. Ironically enough, I read this from the office, though I am by no means confined to that life. Yet it still has its trappings. You are an excellent writer. I'm just here hoping 33 years old isn't too late to have not found 'it'. Keep pogoing, my dude (metaphorically or otherwise).

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So well written. reminds me of where I am now in life, and that I have time to come out of the slump and into the woods. Thanks for this. Makes me want to pogo

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Thanks, Trevor. Your cheese journey has shifted mine.

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I’ve been wanting to read this — and today was the right day for it. So glad I did. Thank you for lighting the whey.🧡

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CHEERS! to punk and raw dairy! how these things were catalysts in shaping us to become better humans on our ever evolving and wildly cultured journeys :)

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Thank you. Keep swimming. 🧡

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So good to read your journey to where you are now, thanks for this. This particularly resonated :

"Being angry and knowing what you are opposed to is an ok place to start, but it doesn’t get you far. It’s not the most fertile soil for creation. Studying the problems, and critiquing large systems can be beneficial, or it can weigh us down. The more we fixate on our defeat by tyrannical forces, the more they master us."

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Thanks for sharing this story. Love following your funky fermentation process!

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¿Como no amarte?

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Very cool, Excellent read, Amazing path. I'll be in the balkans in October if you're still around there.

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hell yeah, love the rawness and evident ferment here. the honesty about how non-linear life can be when you depart from established paths and follow yr weird. cheers

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